
AS Foundation for the Study of Religion

AS Foundation

Meta Ethics

Ethical Theories

AS Religious Ethics - Foundation

A major part of the Ethics Foundation paper is meta-ethics. Ethics ask questions about the way we behave and the rules we live by. Meta-ethics asks questions about ethics.

When we say "It is wrong to steal", what am I saying? Meta-ethics looks at the different responses. Emotivism claims I am saying "I don't like stealing". Prescriptivists claim I am saying "No-one should steal". Intuitionists say we just know it's wrong to steal.

The Foundation paper also involves a study of three theories - Situation Ethics (moral relativism), Virtue Ethics and Natural Law.

Christians may adhere to any of these positions. Situation Ethics says that only love is good, and we may have to throw aside our principles to do the right thing. Virtue Ethics says we should develop our character and become better people. Natural Law says we were designed by God and should act according to our purpose.

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