Prejudice and Equality

Prejudice and Equality

Prejudice and Equality

At first glance, this is one of the easier topics for students, and it is often covered in Year 9. For example, you might start by looking at stereotypes - when we use a prejudiced idea about a whole group of people. A stereotype of a French person is 'Riding a bike, striped top, string of onions around the neck, berret...'. When we use stereotypes, we usually get things very wrong, and it also makes us seem so ignorant.

As you start your RS GCSE, you become much more sophisticated in the way you look at the world. For example, you will begin to understand how newspapers work - that they often use stereotypes because people will recognise them, rather than because they are accurate. The media also presents negative images as they are more dramatic than positive ones. As such, you will understand why people see Muslims as a threat, even though the overwhelming majority are firmly against terrorism.

Discussions about how Christians respond to Muslims, as well as other faiths, are complex. Is it right to claim that your faith alone has the answers?

This unit also looks at sexism, as well as the way in which people with disabilities are discriminated against.

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