Prejudice and Discrimination



For a general introduction look at Faithnet's page on Racial Equality. Then read the following and note down any Christian teaching:

You might be asked this sort of question [1997 Q1]:

(a)    (i)    Give an account of Biblical teaching which Christians might use in forming their views about racism.

        (ii)    Explain how these teachings are important for Christians today.    [8]

You should be able to answer this question for race, disability, religion and gender.

The most important question to prepare for has come up nearly every year, although in 2000 it came up in the Peace and Justice section [1996 Q3, 1997 Q1, 1998 Q4, 2000 Q1].  We have learnt about Martin Luther King, although the question will not specify him and you could choose someone else if you wished:

(b)    Describe how and explain why a well-known Christian has tried to achieve justice for people who have been threatened by racism.    [7]













It is important to balance HOW and WHY.  Try to build on what you may have answered for (a) rather than repeating the same Bible quotes.  Look at the sample answer from 1996 and see how you could improve your answer.