

Divorce and Remarriage

Jesus taught against divorce, and the Catholic Church is completely against divorce.  As a minimum, you need to learn Jesus' teachings and be able to explain the Catholic position in relation to this and the wedding service.  You also need to understand why many churches accept divorce and in some cases allow remarriage.  

Study the relevant Bible quotes

Read the following:

Notice how similar the questions have been - attempt one of the following:

1998 Q2(b)    Describe and explain the reasons for two different Christian attitudes towards divorce.    [7]

1999 Q2(b)    Describe and explain the reasons for two different Christian attitudes towards the remarriage of divorced people.    [7]

2000 Q2(a)   Describe and explain Christian attitudes to remarriage after divorce.     [8]











Have a look at a sample answer.  Make a brief note of the areas you haven't covered.  You will only have around 12 minutes in the exam for this question - don't feel you have to write everything.  If you remember only half of this in the exam you're doing very well.  For a slightly different approach, try the other sample answer on this site.