World Community

The Environment

The World Community section is a gift to students - they only have two topics, so you can be very confident about what might come up.  In (a), they will ask for church teaching about EITHER the environment OR hunger and disease - so make sure you know both.  In (b) they will ask you to describe how Christians respond to the environment or hunger and disease - which you can normally answer by describing the work of CEL or TEAR Fund respectively.

There are some revision pages on these topics - note down any Christian teaching you find:

Here are some of the past questions [1997 Q5, 1999 Q5, 2000 Q4]

(a)    (i)    Describe Biblical and Church teaching which Christians might use in deciding how the environment should be used.

        (ii)    Explain what Christians mean when they speak about 'stewardship'.    [8]

(a)    Describe and explain Christian teaching about the importance of taking care of the environment.    [8]

(a)   Explain what Christians mean when they say that people are stewards of the earth.   [8]

Notice how the term 'stewardship' comes up - make sure you're fully familiar with this term, and can link it to Christian teaching.  Pick one of the questions above and plan an answer below - this might be more useful than actually writing an answer, as it is easier to structure and will help you think about exam technique.











Have a read through a sample answer - is there anything there you missed?  If so, note it down, and when it comes to the exam you won't miss it!

You also need to be ready to answer the following question [1998 Q1]:

(b)    Describe how and explain why some Christians support organisations which are trying to preserve the environment.    [7]








