World Community


Hunger and Disease

There are various revision pages, but what this boils down to is (a) What does Christianity teach about how we should respond to the problems caused by poverty? and (b) How do Christian organisation go about putting these teachings into practice?  

Look at the following pages and note down any Christian teaching you find:

Have a go at the following past question [1998 Q1]

(a)    Describe and explain the Christian teaching about helping people suffering from hunger and disease.    [8]











Try answering one of the following questions [1996 Q5, 1997 Q5, 1999 Q5, 2000 Q4]:

(b)    Give an account of how and why one well-known Christian organisation has worked to relieve human suffering in the poor countries of the world.    [7]

(b)    Describe and explain why one Christian organisation has responded to disease and hunger in developing nations.    [7]

(b)    Explain why Christians have set up organisations such as Christian Aid or CAFOD.    [7]

(b)   Describe how and explain why many Christians work to get rid of hunger and disease in the world.    [7]

Notice how they are all asking the same question, just using different terms.  The want to know HOW (what the charity does) and WHY (a mixture of Christian beliefs and the severity of the situation - what would happen if they didn't help).  You should look at Paul Hopkins' Charity organisations which is very useful in preparing for this section. 










Have a look at a sample structure for this question.  If you have answered (a) and (b) questions for both the environment and hunger and disease, you should be guaranteed 15 marks in the exam - that's already 25%!  (c) should be straightforward - just take a few moments to plan your answer and remember to argue both sides as well as saying what you think.  Always refer to Christian beliefs and practice where possible!