Worship 4 - Synagogue


The synagogue, its origins, functions and artefacts

Jewish laws and customs date back thousands of years.  Circumcision goes all the way back to Abraham, while the 613 commandments of the Torah go back to Moses.  In fact, many of those 613 cannot be kept by Jews today, as they relate to the Temple.  The Temple was the house of God, home of the 10 Commandments.  All Jews traveled to the Temple for Pesach, Sukkot and Shavout every year.  When the Temple was destroyed (the second time in 70 CE), the Jews spread out over the world (diaspora) - some Jews regard this as a greater tragedy than the Holocaust!

However, this is when Judaism, as it is for most Jews today, really began.  In the first exile to Babylon in 586BCE, the Jews had to find ways of keeping the religion alive without the Temple.  They built synagogues, which were like mini-temples.  Most features of modern synagogues relate to the Temple of old.  However, it was the people meeting in the synagogues that kept the religion alive, and many Jews think of the community rather than the building when they talk about their synagogue.  It also has several uses: place of worship, community centre and school.

To find out about the features of the synagogue, look at:

The first question ever posed was on the synagogue [1996 Q1].  They are more likely to ask this sort of question now, though [2000 Q2]:

(a)    Describe the inside of a synagogue, and explain the importance of this design.    [8]

Remember that there is a ladies' gallery in an Orthodox synagogue, but that men and women sit together in Reform synagogues.  This question is specifically about the synagogue as a place of worship, as there is no meaning in the practical layout of communal rooms or learning areas.  

The following is an ideal (b) question from 1996 Q1:

(b)    Explain why a synagogue might be important for a Jew today    [7]

Use the term today to relate this to modern society - fragmentation and isolation create a need for a commnity centre.  Also bring in the key points about keeping the culture, religion and traditions alive.  You also want to mention the synagogue as:

The following was an excellent discussion question [1997 Q1]:

(c)    'Most Jews think their homes are more important to their religious life than the synagogue!'

Remember to start with the weakest side, but that this is not a win/lose argument.  Many Jews would disagree with this statement because...  Mention the Shabbat synagogue service; daily prayer; celebration of Festivals; study (more books there and quieter); discussions/speakers.  Then go on to argue  However, the home has a very important role to play...   You may want to point out that half of all Jews are women, and their role is very minimal in an Orthodox synagogue, whereas they have many religious responsibilities in the home with bringing up children, preparing food etc.

Have a go at any of the questions above.  Start getting into the habit of timing yourself.  If you want to save time, why not just jot down a quick plan of the points you would cover in your answers.












