Moral and Immoral Occupations

Wealth and Poverty


When considering careers, Christians will avoid the same companies they avoid when spending money. As well as the films listed in the 'Correct use of money' section, these films deal specifically with careers issues:

Film Rating/5

Enron - Smartest guys in the room - A film about the Enron accounting scandal which reveals the psychology of greed and corporate corruption that facilitated the company's rise to power and also its fall.

Boiler Room - An update of Wall Street, this film follows a young man who wants to make enough money to impress his dad. There is a wonderful scene (suitable for younger audiences despite the film's certificate) where the whole scam is demonstrated, as Vin Diesel cons a doctor into buying 2000 shares. Lots of swearing, but a clear moral message.

Lord of War - The DVD starts with a powerful shopping-channel spoof from Amnesty. The film itself has amazing opening credits, and follows the fortunes of an arms salesman.


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