Concern for the Poor

Wealth and Poverty

Christian Churches and the Concern for the Poor

Roman Catholic Church

As you will see in the church teaching on the causes of poverty, the Churches are aware that wealthy Western countries have caused much of the poverty in the world, and they argue for greater Justice. However, they also teach that the wealthy have a responsibility to the poor simply because they are poor, regardless of the causes of poverty.

God gave the earth to the whole human race for the sustenance of all its members, without excluding or favoring anyone. Centesimus Annus

The characteristic principle of Christian social doctrine: the goods of this world are originally meant for all… Solicitudo Rei Socialis

The universal common good is violated if there are places anywhere in the world where basic needs like clean water, food, shelter, health care, education and livelihood are not available to all or if the rights and dignity of all are not respected. The Common Good, Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales, 1996

As well as preaching Equality, the Church teaches Social Responsibility. Jesus said 'Love your neighbour', and this love bears a heavy responsibility:

Sacred Scripture continually speaks to us of an active commitment to our neighbor and demands of us a shared responsibility for all of humanity. This duty is not limited to one's own family, nation or state, but extends progressively to all humankind, Centesimus Annus

Church of England

The Church was part of the Make Poverty History coalition, and teaches about Equality and Justice. They put pressure on the UK government to honour its commitment to halve world poverty by 2015. In 2006 it launched a campaign, Challenging Poverty, aimed at tackling poverty in Britain.

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