
Prejudice and Discrimination

Is Christianity Sexist?

Christianity is accused of sexism from within the Church itself as well as from outside. The Church grew up in a patriarchal society where women and men were not seen as equals. Over the last 100 years, society has changed dramatically in its treatment of women, and the Church is lagging behind. Here we ask whether sexism goes against the teachings of the Church and the example of Jesus, or Christianity is fundamentally sexist.


Not sexist

Old Testament

  • Genesis 1-3: Eve is made from Adam’s rib to be his helper. Eve gave into temptation first. As a punishment God says, “Your husband will rule over you.”
  • There are evil women like Jezebel and Delilah.
  • Only males are counted in the census, and prophets and priests etc. are male.
  • Men could divorce women, but not vice versa.
  • Rape/adultery were seen as a violation of man’s ownership rights.
  • Women were “unclean” for much of adult life (menstruation). God is called “Father”, “He”, “Him”, etc
  • The Bible was written by men, for men
  • "Contrary to tradition, she is not created as the assistant or subordinate of the man. In fact, most often the Hebrew word 'ezer' (which means 'helper') connotes superiority (Ps. 121:2; 124:8; 146:5; Exod. 18:4; Deut. 33:7, 26, 29)" Dr Phylis Tribble
  • The Old Testament was written in a different time when society was patriarchal.
  • There are lots of good women in the Old Testament - in fact an analysis showed there are several times more good women than bad! Queen Esther saved the Jews from death; Ruth set an example of love and loyalty; Deborah was a prophet, and her wisdom was much admired.
  • "Wisdom is described as a female attribute in many texts. And some scholars believe that the Song of Deborah, which was probably composed by a woman, is one of the oldest pieces of literature within the Bible (Judges 5)." David Ashford

New Testament

  • Jesus' disciples were all men
  • Jesus was male, and called God 'Father'
  • Paul said:
  • “Women... be subject to your husbands.” Ephesians 5:22-23
  • “A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I permit no women to teach or have authority over men, she is to keep silent. ” 1 Timothy 2:9-12
  • Jesus repeatedly spoke to women when men of his time would not have (e.g. 'outcast' women such as prostitutes)
  • He had women followers (Martha, Mary and Mary Magdalen)
  • Jesus taught in the 'Court of Women' in the Temple, which was unusual
  • Jesus appeared first to women after his resurrection
  • Jesus displayed feminine qualities of tenderness, compassion, gentleness - He cried in public
  • He who loves his wife loves himself” Ephesians 5:28-29
  • “There is neither male nor female for your one in Christ Jesus" Galatians

Church history

  • “Women should remain at home, sit still, keep house and bear children" Martin Luther (1483-1546)
  • Women have no authority in the church - no women bishops in CofE (as of 2011) and no women priests in the Roman Catholic Church or the Orthodox Church
  • Role of the woman is to bring up the family, which is contrary to feminist ideals
  • Christianity has argued against women's rights to contraception and abortion
  • The Anglican Church has women priests and female bishops (in some countries)
  • Valuing women as mothers and wives gives them greater respect and a more important role than 'feminism'
  • Women within the church feel loved, valued and supported
  • Christianity has always taught love, respect and justice for all people, including women
  • United Reformed Church and the Salvation Army have always allowed women to be ministers.
  • The Baptist Church allows women to be ministers now since the 1920s.
  • The Church of England allowed women to become vicars in 1992. It caused widespread division with some male leaders, and other men and women, leaving the Church.

Ordination of women

The issue of whether to allow women to become priests, and whether it is sexist not to, is such a big question that it needs to be considered in its own right. Here are the arguments for and against the ordination of women:

Arguments for the ordination of women

Arguments against the ordination of women


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