A question of choice, or a question of life?
Abortion raises a number of issues. The biggest question about abortion: is the foetus a human being? This affects the way you define abortion. It also affects the way you respond to abortion ethically. If you accept that the foetus is a person, abortion is a question of whether it is ever right to kill an innocent person. If a foetus is only a potential person, the sorts of questions you ask change.
Much of the debate hinges on this key question, and many 'discussions' are a waste of breath because the two sides have made different assumptions. Both might agree that it is wrong to kill an innocent person, but disagree about whether abortion is the killing of an innocent human being. (Of course, you cannot assume that it is wrong to kill an innocent person - you need to discuss this too).
As an ethicist, it is important to remain objective. You need to be aware of the assumptions being made on each side. Hopefully this site will help you find out more about what abortion is, the issues it raises and the way in which people respond to these issues, including Christian responses. There are some resources particularly aimed at A level RS students. There are also book reviews, links to other websites (including news reports) and multimedia resources. We are looking to develop interactive quizzes, and A level Philosophy and Ethics students can find help with past exam questions.