There is a huge amount written about the ethics of war, and with each new conflict, hundreds of ethicists repeat their convictions. Some believe war is a necessary evil. Others believe war can never be justified. As an ethicist, you should not make up your opinion in advance. Each new conflict should be looked at and judged according to the specifics of that conflict.
If you are an ethics student, you will no doubt have learnt the Just War criteria off by heart. Good. However, you need to be aware of where these criteria have come from. You also need to be able to apply these in an objective way to the conflict you are studying. Too often, these criteria are simply used to justify a decision that's already been made.
Some scholars claim that the Just War criteria need to be updated - that they simply don't apply in modern war-fare. You need to understand why they say this, particularly post-9-11 and with the specific issue of terrorism. As an ethics student, you need to understand what different ethical theories would say about individual conflicts and modern warfare in general.