Prochoice vs. prolife?
Does a woman have complete freedom over her own body?
Judith Thomson wrote an influential 'Defense of abortion' (about having a violinist attached to your kidneys) that suggested that a woman cannot be forced to carry a child against her wishes, even if we accept that the foetus is a human being from the moment of conception. In the year it was published there began a landmark case in America - Roe vs. Wade - that went on to establish a constitutional right to have an abortion.
When does a foetus become a person?
There is much more to this question than it at first seems. The Catholic Church has changed its mind and its reasoning on this so often, they now say you have to treat a foetus as a human being from conception just in case. Others, like Peter Singer, question whether a new born baby is fully human. Tutor2U has a nice table showing different ideas about when a foetus becomes a person.
Should a foetus with a disability be treated differently?
The law in the UK allows abortion up to 24 weeks unless the mother's life is at risk, or if there is a risk of serious disability. The way this law is applied was famously challenged when it was used to end a pregnancy at 28 weeks because of a cleft pallette. However, what about real cases of serious disability? The law does not allow us to treat a new-born with Downs any less favourably, yet it allows late abortions for Downs Syndrome and other conditions. Is this consistent?
What counts as a good reason to have an abortion?
If you accept that a woman should have the right to have an abortion if she chooses, this doesn't answer the question of when it would be right to choose to have an abortion. What counts as a good reason? Legally in the UK, you can only have an abortion if there is a risk to the well-being of the mother or her family. This is merely a formality, as many doctors think it is enough that a woman has chosen to have an abortion. Should the law be concerned with the reason a woman gives? Is it wrong to have an abortion if there is no threat to the well-being of the mother or their family?
Other questions that come up surrounding abortion:
- What would happen if we didn't have legal abortions?
- Should the foetus be given pain relief/anaesthesia prior to late abortions?
- What is the status of a foetus born alive during failed abortions?
- What say, if any, should the father have?
- Should a surrogate mother have the right to abort?
- Should under-16s be allowed to have abortions without their parents' consent?
- Is it ever right to abort one of twins?