A summary of Christian beliefs about the Sanctity of Life can be found in the following excerpt from the GCSE Revision Guide
An A level response to questions about the Right to Life may well include references to abortion, euthanasia and Embryo Research. You would also give an ethical response from:
The concept of the right to life is deeply rooted in the Bible. The Bible begins with the story of creation, with mankind (out of all of creation) being made in His image. The Old Testament is full of stories of God's involvement in the affairs of mankind, and of His love for His creation. The Psalms repeatedly speak of God's relationship with Man. The cornerstone of the Christian faith is that God loved humanity so much that He gave His only son as a sacrifice to save all people from death. In his life, Jesus demonstrated love for all people, especially the poor, weak and sick.
In summary, Christianity teaches that all people, at all stages of life, are sacred and should be treated with the greatest of respect. It obviously requires detailed and careful theological enquiry to work out what this means when applied to embryonic stem-cells and whether these should be used to cure Parkinsons.