Universal Human Rights
The United Nations published the Universal Declaration on Human Rights in 1948. One of the 30 articles states:
Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.
This means that part of being human, being a person, means that you should be free and safe. It is wrong to kill an innocent human being.
The background to the declaration is that millions of people tolerated, and actively supported, the Nazi regime that murdered over six million people simply because of their race, sexual orientation and disability. The Declaration was meant to establish an absolute right to life, regardless of where you live, what you believe etc. It meant you couldn't argue 'I was just following orders' - these human rights are known and held by everybody, and should never be ignored.
Some people argue about whether we do have a 'right to life'. Others disagree about whether this right to life can be used to argue against abortion, euthanasia and Embryo Research. People like Singer question the absolute status of the right - surely if someone lacks rationality, possibly even lacks any high-order brain function, they have at least got a reduced 'right to life'.