This is more challenging for A level students than any other topic. The scope is incredibly broad, and there is no real guidance for teachers as to what to include. Have a look at the issues on this site for a few ideas, but there are many other areas covered in the text books.
You will not be expected to have studied any particular areas within this broad field. Some schools focus on monogamy, marriage and divorce. For others, paraphilia is discussed in looking at the nature of rules and cultural norms in sexual ethics.
One text identifies the key ethical issues with regard to sex as:
monogamy; adultery; prostitution; homosexuality; paedophilia; sexual harassment and rape
Homosexuality is a huge ethical issue, particularly as there is still a large amount of homophobia, and many churches reject homosexual practice. Masturbation is less controversial, but it does highlight the difference between deontological and teleological ethics. Contraception is still a big issue because of the effects of the Roman Catholic Church's position - a great example of an issue that brings up vastly different responses according to your ethical perspective.