Film Rating/5 CoverThe Family Man (2006) - An entertaining drama from the BBC, but for Ethics students this is also an excellent collection of contemporary cases concerning infertility treatments. I was delighted this one made it onto DVD. Three one hour episodes.
The Infertility Rollercoaster - Although this was made in 2006, it has yet to be released on DVD. It is described as "An insight into what it fells like for a man on the 'infertility rollercoaster'. Suitable for both patients and infertility professionals."
Maybe Baby - Ben Elton directed this film, based on his book 'Inconceivable'. The book worked well, with a successful mix of humour and moving insight into a couple's struggle to beat infertility. The film is more hit and miss - Ben Elton is great with ideas, but handles human relationships in a clumsy way that leaves you wishing you cared more about the couple in the film.